V.O.R.P. Version One Robotic Platform

V.O.R.P. was the first fully 3D printed robot I created. It can drive, move its arms and head, sense distance, beep, and fall apart. There are many flaws with its design, but because it looks nice and was the first fully 3D printed robot I built, it is still one of my favorite robots. Almost every time I have demoed V.O.R.P., people tell me that he looks like WALL-E. I disagree. He really looks like the Omnibot 2000.
V.O.R.P. was completed in 2016. I have considered making a newer version of V.O.R.P. (perhaps with a Raspberry PI), but I have not gotten around to doing that yet. I have provided download links to all of V.O.R.P.'s 3D files. I also have provided documentation regarding how he is constructed along with known problems and flaws with the design.