
My Operating Systems

Debian with i3

My primary operating systems, for year to year, are documented here.

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My Books

Book Shelf Image

Here are all of my books. No, I am not sure why this might be of interest to you.

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Documentation for the GNU Debugger

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The Official Hyper-abridged Dictionary

Building a dictionary one word at a time.

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Computer User Profile Code

<---COM_U_PROF_CODE---Version[Alpha]---E[] F[] L[] O[] P[] C[] S[] H[]>

Computer User Profile Code is a way of conveying digital preferences and abilities through a terse string of characters. A web based generator is provided so that anyone can create a code containing their own profile, and a web based parser is provided so that anyone can interpret someone else's code.

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Recall - A Linux Study Tool

Recall is a study tool that uses active recall to aid memorization.

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Various and Sundry Sketches and Designs

Click here to see a page of various random sketches and designs. Some of them were eventually built, and others were almost completely forgotten.

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