Raspberry Pi Server Hardware Setup

The Raspberry Pi is quite an amazing device considering its size, price, and functionality. I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, which has been out of date for some time, but it is sufficient for my needs.

Raspberry Pi and Box

Here are the Raspberry Pi 3's specifications.

Raspberry Pi 3

The Raspberry Pi 3 receives its power via a micro USB port. I will use a power supply that supplies 5V at 2.5A to power it. I will connect that power supply to the Raspberry Pi via a USB cable that has an on/off switch so that I can leave the Pi plugged in to power and start it whenever I need to use it.

Raspberry Pi Power Supply

I am using a case from canakit to keep the Pi safe.

Raspberry Pi Case

It comes in three parts and leaves all of the ports accessible.

Raspberry Pi Case Parts

Here is the Raspberry Pi, power supply, and case together.

Raspberry Pi, Power Supply, and Case

Here is the Raspberry Pi in its case.

Raspberry Pi in Case

I know that this article did not contain very much useful information, but there were only a few noteworthy details to mention concerning this hardware. The next article will show how to install Raspberry Pi OS on a headless Raspberry Pi.

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